Dietary and nutritional content reviewed by Jasmin Gorostiza, DT, DM, DSS, CFPP.️

Food keeps us healthy and happy. We simply can’t live without it. Food fuels our body. There’s just no way anyone could survive or at least, stay sane without food.
No matter how important food is, it is without a doubt that it can make or break our health. There are some food that are good for the health, while there are some that are not. There are some food that are comforting, while some are not. It’s really just a matter of choosing the right kind of food.
One thing is for sure. There are food that can help ease the stress in everyday life. Stress is bad and if we let it eat us up, then we’re going to get sick. Take note. Stress is a silent killer. According to the book. The Relaxation Revolution by Dr. Herbert Benson, stress causes a lot of illnesses.
So why not eat to fight stress? Here are 10 anti-stress foods to keep the body healthy.
10. The Right Kind Of Carbs
Not all carbs are bad. It’s just a matter of choosing the right kind of carbs. As a matter of fact, the right kind of carbs can help induce the stress-reducing chemical in the body called serotonin. When the serotonin level is high, stress is reduced. Take note that chips and crackers, and cookies are not the right kind of carbs. Stay away from them as they are refined carbs.
9. Fresh Oily Fish
When stress level is high, eat some oily or fatty fish. Oily or fatty fish not only keeps the heart healthy, it also boosts the mood. Halibut, salmon, tuna, and sardines are filled with omega-3 fatty acids that can help ease depression. A scientific study also shows that oily or fatty fish can help lower overall stress.
8. Yummy Bananas
Ever wonder why monkeys are always happy? Well, they love bananas! Bananas are not just rich in potassium. They are also filled with dopamine, a mood-boosting chemical that help ease the stress in difficult times. Aside from potassium and dopamine, bananas are also rich in magnesium and vitamin B6. Studies have shown that magnesium B vitamins can help boost moods as well. So instead of reaching out for a cup of coffee, a bag of chips, or a piece of cake, reach out for a banana to stay happy.
7. Crunchy, Tasty Nuts
There’s a good reason to replace chips with some nuts. To start with, nuts are more filling. Nuts, such as pistachios, can lower blood pressure. According to, a lot of studies have shown how pistachios can help lower cholesterol levels. Just like bananas, nuts are filled with B vitamins that can help keep the body and mind happy and healthy.
6. Soothing Milk
Calcium-rich milk is not just good for the bones but for the mood as well. A study in Nutrition Research and Practice shows that Korean women, who drank milk were less depressed. The vitamin D in milk relaxes the muscles and stabilizes the mood. That pretty much makes milk an anti-stress food that’s perfect for women who are in the menopause stage.
5. Mouth-Watering Avocados
Avocado has all the right nutrients to fight stress. It’s loaded with fiber, vitamin B6, potassium, vitamin C, and healthy monounsaturated fats. As mentioned earlier, vitamin B6 and potassium have already been proven to fight stress. The fiber and the healthy monounsaturated fats in avocado can help keep the body full and satisfied during stressful times.
4. Fruits Loaded With Vitamin C
Avocado is not the only fruit that can help fight stress. Other fruits loaded with vitamin C can also help fight stress. Vitamin C can help lower cortisol levels. Since cortisol is a stress hormone, it definitely has to be controlled.
3. Green Leafy Veggies
There’s a good reason why we should always eat our green leafy veggies. Green leafy veggies are stress-busting foods. They are loaded with magnesium that can help control cortisol levels. Green leafy veggies are also loaded with one of the B vitamins called folate. Folate plays a huge role in the production of the mood-boosting chemical called dopamine. When faced with stressful moments, stop turning away from green leafy veggies. Better to enjoy them instead to reap all their health benefits.
2. Satisfying Dark Chocolate
Who doesn’t love chocolates? Just seeing a box of chocolates can really brighten up anybody’s day. What more eating a couple of pieces of chocolates? While it’s good to turn away from sweets when times are difficult and stressful, there is a kind of chocolate that can help fight stress. Dark chocolate rich in antioxidants can help lighten up stressful moments. Dark chocolate may be considered as one of the top 5 of anti-stress foods. Now that doesn’t mean it’s right to overindulge in it. Moderation is the key especially if one wants to reap all the health benefits of anti-stress foods.
1. Refreshing Water
Anti-stress foods are not expensive at all. When all the above-mentioned foods are not available, water is the best anti-stress food that anyone can turn to. It’s affordable and available anytime. Sipping a glass of water easily eases the stress away. To fight stress, it’s important to keep the body hydrated at all times.
Can you add more anti-stress foods to the list?
The list above was curated and adapted from an article on